Mission teams serve in Belize, Costa Rica, and Guatemala

Over spring break, high school students served on mission trips in Belize, Costa Rica, and Guatemala. 
In Belize, the team of students and faculty painted three houses and shared the Gospel in schools, orphanages, villages, and homes of the elderly. The team developed a deep bond as they acted out parables, sang worship songs together, and prayed with one another. 

“Although our team wasn’t super close prior to the trip, through teamwork, support, and constant encouragement we grew extremely close during the mission trip. We took time each night to appreciate and praise each other’s strengths, which fostered a stronger sense of community,” reflects Caroline Peebles ‘25. 

The Costa Rica mission team built a house for a family in the Pavas community. Alongside other members of the community, they spent three days building the house, took a local family shopping to fill their new house with necessities, and led VBS. 

“Throughout the week, our team of 12 girls showed growth in understanding to lean into what is truly important in life and not worry about the material things of this world. They showed growth in trusting in God’s help to keep going,” smiles Nicole Galvin, high school math teacher.  

The Guatemala mission team partnered with Medical Missions Ministry to host medical clinics for anyone to come and receive medical treatment. The team hosted clinics in different villages throughout the week, and each clinic included stations for dentistry, medical care, counseling, and pharmacy. Patients would meet with the doctors and then visit counseling stations, which were staffed by Wesleyan students and local interpreters. At the counseling stations, students listened to prayer requests, prayed through Scripture, and shared their testimonies. 

“One challenge I overcame on the trip was finding my confidence in the counseling stations,” explains Ashley Cole ‘25. “On the first day, we were all going in blind and were hesitant to start conversations with the patient. By the second day, I felt Jesus give me the strength and confidence to dive deeper into other’s stories. Before the trip, I hadn’t felt the Holy Spirit, but during the week of service, the Holy Spirit was working through us constantly.” 

We are in awe of and grateful for how God worked in and through our mission teams in Belize, Costa Rica, and Guatemala! 