New Parents and New Students

Welcome to Wesleyan School!
    • New Families 1

    • New Families 2

    • New Families 3

This page has been created to help you navigate the 2024-2025 school year at Wesleyan as a new family.

We know that you and your family have many questions as you prepare for this exciting new experience. We have a number of programs in place to facilitate your transition, including spring and summer programs, student orientation before the beginning of school, technology training, and divisional Parent Nights during the first few weeks of school.

On this page, you will learn more about the dates and times of these programs. You will also find information about the areas in which your student can or will be involved.

We hope you find this information useful, and we look forward to seeing you around campus very soon!

Important Events

Math Placement Testing: April 13 (make up April 15)
Look Ahead Night: April 23
High School Orientation: August 7 & 8
Freshman Preview Day: August 8
Freshman Retreat: August 9-11
Middle School Orientation: August 12 & 13
Middle School Drop-in day: August 12
Lower School Drop-in Day: August 13
Lower School (students with last name A-K ) and Middle School First full day of school: August 14
Lower School (students with name L-Z ) and High School First full day of school: August 15

Who to Contact

List of 3 items.