Middle school students learn about the benefit of office hours

On Monday, Jan. 22, middle school students learn about the benefits of attending office hours and how to maximize the one-on-one time spent with their teachers. 
Wesleyan teachers offer office hours every afternoon, and office hours creates opportunity for students to work with their teachers one-on-one. Often, students ask questions, prepare for an upcoming test, review a recent assessment, or work on reading comprehension skills. 

Students learned about several tactics to implement to ensure that they are maximizing the benefit of attending office hours.  
  • Come in with a question or a goal. 
  • Show up on time. 
  • Utilize the whole 20 minutes allocated to office hours. 
"Office hours are 20 minutes of magic,” encourages Robert Holmes, fifth grade boys chair. “Attending requires task initiation, but once you get there, it is worth the amount of understanding you gain.” 

Thank you to the academic support team for reminding our students about the value of office hours. 