Senior Jules Callahan speaks about simplicity

During middle and high school chapels on Thursday, Jan. 18, senior Jules Callahan shared her testimony and tied her story to simplicity, the Christian life theme for the month.  
Callahan juxtaposed the call to simplify with the temptation to complicate, and she related with students of all grade levels by identifying some of the school experiences that might feel complicated; however, Callahan’s story is not defined by those complications. 

“Going into my junior year, my life changed forever because I accepted the invitation to allow Jesus into my life,” explains Callahan. “God met me where I was and saved me.” 

Callahan recalled going to church with a friend and feeling a gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit to read her Bible regularly, and later, she decided to be baptized.  

“My attention became more focused on Jesus and therefore more simplified,” smiles Callahan. “The best way to achieve simplicity is through Jesus, and He is waiting for you with open arms.” 

In addition to leading a kid’s group at her church, Callahan is also involved in Wesleyan chapel band, missions, cross country, swimming and diving, and track and field. 

Thank you, Jules, for sharing about the simplicity and peace offered through Christ. 