Wesleyan honors donors on John Wesley Day

On Thursday, Nov. 16, Wesleyan students celebrated John Wesley Day to acknowledge the generous contributions of those who have given and continue to give to Wesleyan. 
In continuation of the beloved tradition, students wrote handwritten letters to every Wesleyan Fund donor, thanking them for their gifts and telling them what they love about Wesleyan. During middle and high school chapel, Connor Breslin ‘11 led Psalm 24, and the band was comprised of alumni Caroline Mitchell ’15, Brittany Coxhead ’13, Justin Stevens ’11, Josh Tolman ’10, and Chase Kelly ’16. Grace Leah Baughn Koehler ‘11 gave a thoughtful reflection on the importance of gratitude.  

During her message Koehler recognized the beauty of sitting in the lovely Austin Chapel thanks to the generosity of people she will never meet all because they believed in the vision of a God-centered school.  

"Gratitude grows generosity,” states Koehler. 

To grow a sense of gratitude, she encouraged students to notice their blessings, think about why they have received the gifts they have, feel a sense of appreciation, and do something to express their gratitude.  

The Office of Development hosted a luncheon for a select group of donors in Chapman Library to express their appreciation and facilitate a time of fellowship. 

Thank you to those who have given to Wesleyan! 

“They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.” 1 Timothy 6:18 

Click here to learn more about what Wesleyan students are thankful for. 