First grade students learn about helping others in need

On Monday, Nov. 27, Mrs. Daugherty’s first grade students read “Maddi’s Fridge” by Lois Brandt and Vin Vogel for a T.I.E.D. Together lesson.  
At Wesleyan, we aim to teach students about the beauty of diversity through the G.R.A.C.E. Model. The “E” in this model stands for “economic status.” Our hope is to remind students consistently that we are all valuable in God’s Kingdom no matter the amount of our resources. "Maddi’s Fridge” does a beautiful job communicating this important lesson. 

The main character in the book, Sofia, has a best friend who does not have access to food at home, because her mother does not have enough money to go to the store. Sofia tells her mother about her friend’s empty fridge, and they go to the store to buy her groceries.  

Angie Daugherty, first grade teacher, reminded her students that the resources we have or do not have should never affect how we view ourselves or others. She also reminded her class that helping others when we can is important. 

“The Bible tells us that to whom much is given, much is expected, so if we are able to help others we should try,” says Daugherty. 

To close the lesson, students reflected on the book and wrote down ways they can help others who are less fortunate. 

To learn more about T.I.E.D. Together and diversity at Wesleyan, please visit the diversity webpage. 