Wesleyan's beloved tradition of Pizza on the Quad began with a desire to host a regularly recurring, low-cost, family-friendly event on campus that would facilitate community-building among students, friends, and family.
“As I dreamed up this event, bringing multiple grade levels together for a fun relaxing afternoon on the quad felt like a win,” reflects Kelly Weatherly, director of auxiliary programs and outreach.
During these events, faculty from each division volunteer to serve pizza, and they enjoy fellowship with faculty members with whom they may not get to regularly interact.
“Faculty outside of the lower school especially find joy in seeing the younger children who come to enjoy pizza and play games together. It feeds their soul and reminds them why they love being a part of a K-12 community,” describes Weatherly.
The simple event invites whole families to reconnect with each other and those around them in a simple, but meaningful way.
This year’s Pizzas on the Quad will take place on Feb. 23, March 23, and April 28. We look forward to seeing you there!