Wesleyan College Advising Office welcomes Thomas Ray for College Night

The Wesleyan College Advising Office is grateful to have had Thomas Ray, associate dean of admissions at Wake Forest University, as this year’s College Night speaker.
Ray was both insightful and inspiring in his presentation. He began by noting the pressure students feel as they routinely hear messages about the difficulty of being admitted to college. He encouraged students to begin by examining themselves to discern their values, beliefs, and skills. Next, he encouraged parents to understand the role they should play in the college admission process. He displayed several pictures of Wesleyan coaches before making his point that parents are their children’s coaches in this process.

Returning his attention to the students in the audience, he told them to “do your research” and explained several sources that students could turn to in an effort to learn more about what various colleges have to offer. He followed by offering a brief overview of paying for college and financial aid. Finally, he turned his attention to the process of applying to college itself. He provided an overview of the process and explained the terms students will encounter.

He closed by telling students that “there is no magic formula or secret sauce” for gaining admission to a college. Current Wesleyan families can access Mr. Ray’s presentation here.