Middle school TSA team places at state meet

The Wesleyan middle school TSA team competed March 17-19 in Athens, GA in the Technology Student Association State Leadership Conference for middle and high school chapters. Georgia TSA has over 27,000 high school and middle school members.
Wesleyan’s team worked on their chosen SLC events from mid-October to March. Wesleyan finished in 7th place overall for outstanding middle school chapter out of 40 competing middle schools! Team members had top 10 finalists in 12 out of 17 events we entered, including:

Yuna Cho ‘28, Jia Lim ‘27- 1st place in Medical Technology 
Jia Lim ’27 - 2nd place in Essays on Technology
Larry Men ’26 - 3rd place in STEM Animation 
Shaan Sancheti ‘27, Koen Deadwyler ‘27, Sahana Karthikeyan ‘27- 5th place in Website Design 
Larry Men ‘26, Shaan Sancheti ‘27- 5th place in Problem Solving
Luca Zavitz ‘28, Jesse Cottingham ‘28 - 6th place in Microcontroller Design
Ellie Ahn ’27 - 6th place in CAD Foundations 
Ellie Ahn ‘27, Jia Lim ’27 - 7th place in Technical Design 
Sahana Karthikeyan ‘27, Ellie Ahn ‘27, Elijah Tian ’27 - 8th place in Mass Production 
Sahana Karthikeyan ‘27, Ellie Ahn ‘27, Yuna Cho ’28 - 9th place in Off the Grid
Jesse Cottingham ‘28, Elijah Tian ‘27- 9th place in Video Game Design

Students placing in first or second place will advance to a National TSA competition later this year.

Two of Wesleyan’s VEX IQ Robotics teams also competed at SLC and the results included:

Larry Men ‘26, Shaan Sancheti ‘27, Koen Deadwyler ‘27, Elijah Tian ’27 - 4th place 
Sahana Karthikeyan ‘27, Yuna Cho ‘28, Ellie Ahn ’27, Jia Lim’27 - 7th place