Middle school homerooms honor Black History Month

Middle school students and teachers collaborated to create banners and posters in celebration of Black History Month. Each fifth and sixth grade homeroom created timeline banners for an assigned decade of African American history, and each seventh and eighth grade homeroom created a handful of posters about influential African American leaders in different careers.
Based on their assigned time period, fifth and sixth grade homerooms researched major events, accomplishments, and movements in African American history. Chronologically organizing the events of each time period enables students to see the larger narrative of African American history.

Seventh and eighth grade homerooms were divided into small groups to research African Americans in specific careers. Categories of careers ranged from visual artists to scientists to religious leaders to athletes and more, and students synthesized a variety of research materials to present the individual’s key contributions to his to her field. Once displayed, the posters show not only a variety of individuals but also a diversity of careers and areas of influence.

Next time you are passing through Wesley Hall, make sure to check out the Black History Month banners and posters based on the research of our middle school students. Way to go, students!

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